4 Januari 2011

3D Comparison Between Panasonic Plasma – Samsung LCD TV

Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK
Recently, a comparison between Panasonic VT25 Plasma TV and Samsung 9000 series LCD TV was given by Robert Archer of CEPro.com. Mr. Archer is a committed audiophile and he has written regarding consumer electronic for many different publications in Massachusetts earlier. He is now working for CE Pro and joined in 2000. Bob write the monthly video/Audio news for CE Pro and screening Room. He also serves as the Co-chair for educational curriculum of EHX A/V.  Each and every 3D TV was briefly assessed with specification provided and the pros and cons are listed.

Driven by the advancements of HDTV, active shutter glasses, Blu ray and ‘Avatar’ the blockbuster in Hollywood, interest in 3D have never so higher. Thanks for companies like Samsung, Digital Projection, Panasonic, Vizio and Sony for making people or movie fans to experience the 3D technology in their own homes at great comfort rather than finding 3D at their local theaters.

Users are once again presented with the choice of Plasma or LCD. For close comparison between the two technologies, in the same environment, a test research was conducted where a soccer world cup match was seen on ESPN HD and ESPN 3D.

Panasonic VT25 Plasma and Samsung 900 series LCD TV are used for this. Now a brief comparison of these two can be noted here.

Samsung 9000 series LCD TV:

The first thing that comes to mind while watching Samsung LCD TV is “wow!! How stylish it is?” the model is ultra thin and its edge seems like brushed metal. To make it so thin, Samsung used a design technique of placing all its connections and components in the base. Yet, this feature prevents the display from being placed as close as to the wall like other models of Samsung. The picture is very bright when showing 3D and 2D content, color accuracy, black level and contrast all appeared good with real world video. Possibly the most impressing thing is the depth of the image with 3D content such as commercials from Sony, ESPN, Gillette, and Disney and the Soccer game

Some disadvantages of the model are that ‘noisy’ images and little artifacts with fast motion, which is detectable when seeing fine details.

Panasonic VT 25 series Plasma TV:

When compared to the product of the Samsung, industrial design of Panasonic can be described as modern yet more conservative.  Video lovers might prefer the performance of Panasonic. Its image looks bit smoother and colors were more saturated. The image of Panasonic is slightly softer that could allow comfortable longer viewing period.

The image of Samsung was more aggressive in comparison with a larger depth of field and a brighter image, which could lead to fatigue, viewing it for longer time. For customers looking for Plasma greater size flexibility is offered by Panasonic for installations on models available in 50, 54, 56 and 65 inches diagonally.
It is left to the consumer’s cognition in choosing the TV and the above comparison could help in selecting one.

Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK